Just as luxurious has been the most recent special edition of Mar y Pesca , dedicated to the eternal Historian, Dr. Eusebio Leal Spengler; so were its presenters, who valued the audacity of its editorial team to publish it in the midst of a complex situation in the country, due to Covid 19.
In that day of meetings participated the director of that press outlet, Pedro Pérez Bordón; the Deputy General Director of the Office of the Historian of the City of Havana (OHCH), Perla Rosales; Antonio Guerrero, one of the five heroes who were unjustly imprisoned for years in the United States, and the general editor of Opus Habana , Argel Calcines, as well as close collaborators of the OHCH.
Pérez Bordón explained that "we conceived a 34-page issue, which opens with an article by Argel Calcines, also founder of the magazine together with Leal Spengler. And from the Historian, he said, three works are also reproduced: Two dates and a historical lesson ; Notes on the birth of a continent; and The naval battle of Santiago almost eighty years later . He maintained that Mar y Pesca is a tribute to Leal. "Let this serve as a modest tribute to a faithful collaborator who honored us with the gift of his friendship and his infinite wisdom." In turn, the deputy general director of the OHCH, Perla Rosales, recalled when Mar y Pesca gave up its premises on San Ignacio Street, where today the Camilo Cienfuegos school and the Automobile Museum are built, to establish itself in a small apartment in the Vedado area of Havana. Tony Guerrero said: "I came here for Eusebio, just like you," and recalled that during his confinement in the United States Mar y Pesca was liked by all those who spoke Spanish and "we, who received it, passed it on to the rest of the inmates. I am glad that the magazine, even in very difficult times, has managed to see the light." I am also pleased that I will not be receiving her in prison, but in this courtyard that we must take care of from a historical-patrimonial point of view in order to be loyal to Leal." Calcines recalled that in that setting of the Lombillo Palace, in the Plaza de la Catedral, Leal first met the Historian, Dr. Emilio Roig de Leuchsenring. His wife, María Benítez, received him there and took him up to the office. He added that today, as part of the revaluation that is being carried out on Leal's headquarters, there is now the Meeting Room, where magical encounters have already taken place. "From Sea and Fishing to Opus Habana
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: the itinerary of restoration», is the article by Calcines that closes this special edition of the magazine, with matte chrome paper and masterful content. Some of Leal's first journalistic works, says Calcines, are compiled in his book Regresar en el tiempo (Going Back in Time ), whose second appearance was in 1995, when he began to work at the OHCH.
Finally, he wrote that «the editorial profile of Mar y Pesca is unique, since it has always emphasized the maritime essence of our insularity. The most recent succession of issues dedicated to the founding Cuban towns is an example, including its issue for the 500th anniversary of the founding of San Cristóbal de La Habana. The very successful selection of topics and their entertaining, diverse and rigorous treatment constitute an example of how the work of the journalist and the historian have similarities when it comes to defending the historical-cultural heritage». The work “As Admiral of that emerging motionless ship…” by Calcines
is at the head of Mar y Pesca . Calcines points out that “if Leal’s preaching is a symbiosis of poetry and words, it is because he was nourished by that same feeling of distance that makes sailors scan the horizon with a longing for the future, always looking out for a destination port. He had that nautical fertility that made him progress in the expansion of his dreams until exhaustion.”
He recalled that Mar y Pesca has in its favor that it was the first magazine where Dr. Leal published an article. “He never forgot this – I can confirm this – just as admirals never forget their first logbook,” concluded the editor of Opus Habana .
Top image: Aliana Martínez, director of the Museo Palacio de Lombillo, was in charge of the opening remarks at the event. Bottom image: Pedro Pérez Bordón, director of the magazine Mar y Pesca , during his speech. Photos: Omar Sanz. |
Top and bottom images: Argel Calcines, editor-in-chief of Opus Habana magazine ; and Antonio Guerrero, one of the Five Heroes; offering a few words to those present. Photos by Omar Sanz. |
Written by Teresa de Jesús Torres Espinosa
Taken from Habana Cultural